Love is unconditional, but relationships are not.

Nothing is worse than seeing the two of you together and knowing that I will never have you again.

You treated me like an option, so I left you like a choice.

The hottest love has the coldest end. 

The heart was made to be broken.

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together.

Never cry for the person who has hurt you. Just smile and thank them for giving you a chance to find someone better who actually deserve you.

Trust can take years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

Relationships are not a test, so why cheat??😐

Sad Quotes

 You told me lies and made me cry. Now it is time for me to say Goodbye.

Don’t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened.

A breakup, while sad, can make for a great life lesson.

As you get over this heartbreak, know that there is something better out there waiting for you.

Hearts will never be practical until they are made to be unbreakable.

Ever has it been that loves knows not its own death until the hour of separation.

Never allow someone...

A breakup is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave than risk hurting yourself trying to pick up all of the broken pieces.

The hottest love has the coldest End..

If someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy, then it is time to let them go, no matter how much you love them.

The heart was made to be broken...

If you really love someone, set them free. If they do not come back to you, then it was not meant to be.

Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up..

If someone does not care about losing you, then move on. There are many people out there that would die if it meant losing you.

Don’t cry when the sun is gone because the tears won’t let you see the stars.

It is sad how someone can go from being the reason you were smiling to being the reason that you cry yourself to sleep.

No matter how hard your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

Love is unconditional. Relationships are not.

I used to think that asking you out was the hardest and scariest thing that I would ever have to do. 

I never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.

I had many reasons to give up on you but I chose to stay. You had many reasons to stay but you chose to give up.

Cheating and lying aren’t struggles. They’re reasons to break up.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

When you leave weary of me without a work, I shall gently let you go..

Don’t you dare, for one more second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are.

Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don’t.

Some people think that holding on makes you stronger, but sometimes it is the opposite. Sometimes, letting go can make you stronger.

it hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.

Never regret a relationship that has ended. If it was good, then that is wonderful. If it was bad, then you have experience.

Sharp is the arrows of a broken heart.

sad Quotes

Sometimes you have to accept that just because you can have room for someone in your heart, it does not always mean that you should have room for them in your life.

Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.

Sadness flies away on the wings of time.

The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…

The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten..

Love hurts worse than getting slammed by a 250-pound linebacker.

A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.

We are all Romeos looking for our Juliet, but never finding her.

Never love that which you cannot keep.

Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future..

A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.

Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past.

Crying is a way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how broken your heart is.

Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.

 Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.

What do you do when the person who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

Ever has it been that loves knows not its own death until the hour of separation.

Two people who break up could never be friends. If they can stay friends, then it means that they are still in love or that they never were.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love...